Git!? What happened to my previous changes??

Daniel Jennings
2 min readJul 10, 2022


Git / Github and making sure you are branching off of the proper code base

Seriously, I worked hard making the falling heart and I want it back before I continue.

After creating my new branch from my local main I can see that I am missing my heart prefab:

Checking the previous branch we can see it still exists (Health):

Checking the PR we also see that it was successfully merged to main.

Since we based our new branch off of main lets check it out:

Sweet!! Git tells us what the status is of our local in regards to what is remote. Let’s do a git pull to update our local.

Now that main is updated we need to merge/rebase those changes into our new branch:

And then to check Unity for the new Prefabs:

Now that are previous changes are back, we can continue on to our next task.

